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The Secondary School Curriculum...

Building on the significant foundation of knowledge established in the elementary years, during the middle school years teachers emphasize the logic and reason of each of the disciplines exploring the rationale behind each academic discipline. Included in the curriculum for middle school is three years of formal logic – a specific discipline to train students to integrate reason and logic into other disciplines. Middle Schoolers’ tendency to press their own opinions and engage in debate provides fertile ground for teaching them “formal” methods of debate and reasoning.

In the high school years, students must give evidence of their mastery of each subject by learning to present information in a compelling and persuasive manner both in writing and orally – which are emphasized. The “success” of the student’s education is measured by their ability to synthesize and integrate all they have learned in a clear, concise, precise and comprehensive manner incorporating each academic discipline as part of a whole. Below is our curriculum for the secondary program.

Bible Shorter Catechism
Questions 1-50
Shorter Catechism
Questions 51-117

Church History Systematic Theology Apologetics Worldviews
Language Wheelocks Latin I Wheelocks Latin II Wheelocks Latin III New Testament Greek Wheelocks Latin IIII Advanced Classical
Latin and Greek Reading
Logic/Rhetoric Logic I Logic II Logic III Rhetoric I Rhetoric II Rhetoric III
English Warriner’s II
Literature Selections

Warriner’s III
Literature Selections

Warriner’s IIII
Literature Selections

American Literature

Classical Literature

British Literature
History Tennessee History
World Geography Ancient World American History Western Civilization Contemporary U.S. History
Science General Science Physical Science

General Biology

Chemistry Advanced Biology Physics
Mathematics Algebra .5 Algebra I Geometry Algebra II Trigonometry Calculus
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