Westminster Academy

The Naim Dangoor Centre

255 Harrow Road


W2 5EZ

020 7121 0600



Westminster Academy opened in 2006, and moved to this building in September 2007. It has specialist status in International Business and Enterprise and is fully DfE funded through the City Academies programme. The Academy won the RIBA London Building of the Year award in 2008 and the building has won several other awards listed below.


Our Business Is Learning

Our curriculum is based on the RSA 21st century curriculum, which was developed based on the competences employers said they looked for in young people. The learning activities are thematic, relevant and topical.  We place great emphasis on the basic skills of literacy and numeracy, as the gateways to learning. All Academy learning activities are designed so that the students practise thinking and problem-solving skills. Most important of all, we value personal and social skills, ensuring students learn how to co-operate, work in teams and respect others.


At Key Stage 3 students are taught in “home groups” and have a consistent base, for security and to facilitate extended projects and in-depth learning. Each home room is equipped with computers as well as wireless access to ICT. Throughout Years 7-9 the curriculum is increasingly personalised, as students choose options, have relevant support or begin fast-track courses.


At  Key Stage 4  students have a free choice from a large  range of GCSE and BTEC subjects and Year 10 students undertake internships in local businesses for one day per week.


Our Sixth Form opened in September 2007, specialising  in Business, Languages and ICT-related subjects. Within the Westminster 6F consortium, our students can take other BTEC and “A” level courses at other schools and colleges. We are authorised as an IB (International Baccalaureate) World School and started delivering the IB Diploma Programme from 2008. In 2009 and 2010, 100% of our graduates gained university places including prestigious institutions such as Durham University, London School of Economics, Loughborough University and Queen Mary University, London.



International Schools Award 2009

Building Magazine: Public Building of the Year 2009

Civic Trust Award 2009

RIBA Stirling Prize shortlist 2008

RIBA Sorrell Foundation School Award 2008

RIBA London  Building of the Year 2008

Designshare Citation Award 2008

Design Week Wayfinding and Environment Graphics 2008

BCSE Industry Award for Inspiring Design-Secondary School 2008

Best Incorporation of Daylight Award, Lighting and Architecture Foundation Awards 2008

Specialist School & Academies Trust Future Vision Award 2007





The Students

Our admission policy is a local and comprehensive one, with the main criteria being residential proximity to the Academy. There is no selection process and admissions are managed through the pan-London central admissions system.

The Academy is currently expanding, particularly with the introduction of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. We currently have 950 students and can grow further in the future. The number of   students achieving 5 or more subjects with higher grade passes has more than tripled over the last three years from 23% in 2007 to 74% this year. At A Level, 100% of students gained university places and 76.2% gained A Level grade A-C equivalents.


Community Regeneration

Westminster Academy has played a key role in the regeneration of the local community. Crime fell by 14% in the immediate area of the Academy in the six months after it opened and we welcome community groups and sporting organisations to use our facilities after school and on weekends. The building is also used as a conference and training facility.



Our sponsors are the Dangoor family, through their Exilarch’s Foundation. David and Judy Dangoor are members of the governing body and active in their support for the Academy. This includes setting up an Advisory Board which includes Lord Marshall of Knightsbridge, Professor David Begg of Imperial College’s Tanaka Business School, Professor David Latchman, Master of Birbeck College, Kenneth Durham, Headmaster of University College School and Gillian du Charme, Leadership consultant and ex-Headteacher of Benenden School.


What our most successful students say:

“I want to be a top neuropsychologist and Westminster Academy and the International Baccalaureate(IB) diploma will help me achieve my ambition. I want to go to a top university-Oxford, Cambridge or Imperial College. The IB is a more prestigious qualification, so it will give me a better chance if I’m competing against other students with A-levels.”

-Amina Ahmed who achieved (4) A*’s, (7) A’s, and (2) B’s at GCSE in  2009


 “This school is very close to my heart. Both the students and the teachers have real character. They are lively and interesting. I loved my science classes and also found time to enjoy maths club, chess club, archery and fencing.”

-Anuar Abdulhakeem who achieved (2) A*s, (6) A’s and (2) B’s at GCSE in  2009


“The teachers are excellent at Westminster Academy. They always encourage you and will help you after school, explaining the same thing again and again. They helped me to believe in myself and really got me thinking about my career and how to get there. I want a career in international banking and I feel that I’m on my way.”

-Marwa Elmasri who achieved (5)A*’s, (2) A’s and (5) B’s at GCSE  2009